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eInvoicing is our preferred channel to receive invoices. To ensure we can receive and process your eInvoices, please add our New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) 9429041926024 to your contact records. 

Getting set up for eInvoicing

We aim to pay valid and accurate supplier invoices within 10 working days. To ensure this process runs smoothly, take note of the tips below.

Purchase order numbers

We use purchase orders to approve, manage and make payment for all buying requirements. All purchases from us must have a valid purchase order number. Our purchase order number sequence is YNXXXXXXX.

Suppliers should receive the purchase order number by email when a contract is entered into or goods or services are ordered. Please contact the Inland Revenue contact who requested the goods or services if you have not received a purchase order number. Please do not invoice us without the correct purchase order number on your invoice.

Avoiding payment delays

Follow these tips to help make sure your payment is on time.

  • Include the name of the Inland Revenue contact who requested the goods and services as well as the purchase order number starting with YNXXXXXXX.
  • Make sure the purchase order matches the invoice exactly, including what was delivered, unit of measure, quantity and unit price.
  • Ensure the invoice is a complete and accurate invoice, that is one that meets the requirements of the Goods & Services Tax Act 1985.
  • Correct any discrepancies or changes before sending your invoice.

If your business is GST-registered, you can also include your GST number and the words ‘Tax Invoice or ‘Taxable Supply Information’. More information on taxable supply information can be found on our website.

Taxable Supply Information

Sending us your invoices

We prefer to receive eInvoices instead of PDFs. Our NZBN is 9429041926024.

If you are not yet able to send an eInvoice, you can send us a PDF invoice instead.

[email protected]

If you are unable to send your invoice electronically, you can post it to:

Inland Revenue Accounts Payable PO Box 2198 Wellington

Send any accounts payable queries to our email address.

[email protected]

Our payment method

Our payment method is electronic funds transfer (EFT). This means payments can be deposited directly into your designated bank account. We will endeavour to email a remittance advice confirming the EFT payment on the day the payment is made.

Last updated: 09 Dec 2024
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